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A classic image of young men going off to war. In just a matter of days, the majority would be dead. The crew of Boeing B-17G USAAF 42-102700 “I’ll Get By” was photographed prior to loading up in their bomber. Assigned to the 412th Bomb Squadron, 95th Bomb Group, the Fort was on an 8 February 1944 mission to attack German targets when an 88mm flak round impacted the left wing. This resulted in an explosion and uncontrolled fire. The Fort immediately headed down. Pilot Capt. Elmer Bockman; Copilot Capt. Bob Baber; Navigator Ray Dallas; Bombardier Frank Sohm; Flight engineer/top turret gunner Oscar Walrod; Radio operator Bill Hill, and Capt. Jasper Kaylor were killed in action. Ball turret gunner Don Phillips; Waist gunner Barney Lipkin, and tail gunner Walt Collyer managed to escape by parachute and became POWs as the aircraft crashed at Cesny-aux Vignes, near Caen, France. (USAAF)

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